NY PRIS. FØR KR. 4.299,00
Farve: Mellemstråle, klar og lys
Næse: Modne damsoner, orientalske krydderier, kandiseret skræl og nat duftende bestand
Ganen: Velafbalanceret røg og sødt, revet muskatnød, vanilje pods og høj kakao chokolade
Afslutning: Kompleks dvælende gingery spiciness og røg
3.699,00 kr.
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As rich and fulfilling as the Orkneyinga Saga
itself, this highly complex and exclusive expression of Highland Park demonstrates an accomplished medley of flavours and aromas. Balancing the finest quality European oak with a small portion of
striking American oak casks, this whisky is refined and experienced like its well-travelled namesake, Ragnvald.
Ragnvald was one of the most pioneering of all
Vikings, a noted sailor and master explorer of unchartered waters, his nautical accomplishments and riches of fabrics, exotic spices and precious stones from across Europe were widely
Highland Park Ragnvald not only highlights some of
the very best craftsmanship from our accomplished whisky maker, Max McFarlane, but also the synergy and harmony gained in sourcing the best and most seasoned casks from our warehouses.